Chest X-ray.

Missed detection of lung cancer on chest X-rays of patients being seen in primary care

HSIB legacy content

HSIB legacy content

This investigation was carried out by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). Find out more about HSIB legacy.

National investigation

Lung cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in England, but accounts for the most deaths. Five-year survival rates of those diagnosed with lung cancer are among the lowest in Europe. The low survival rate reflect the fact that two-thirds of patients with lung cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease when curative treatment is no longer possible.

Chest X-ray is the first test used to assess for lung cancer. However, about 20% of lung cancers will be missed on X-rays resulting in a delay in diagnosis and potentially affect a patient’s prognosis.

Reference event

As an example, which is referred to as ‘the reference event’, the investigation reviewed the experience of a patient who saw their GP on multiple occasions and had three chest X-rays where the possible cancer was not identified. This resulted in an eight-month delay in diagnosis and potentially limited the patient’s treatment options.

Investigation summary

This investigation:

  • Sought to nderstand the context and contributory factors influencing a delay in lung cancer diagnosis in a patient repeatedly attending primary care with non-specific symptoms.
  • Identified the systemic factors that help or hinder the detection of lung cancer on chest X-rays.
  • Considered the utility of chest X-ray to assess for lung cancer in symptomatic patients being seen in primary care.
  • Identified the implications of the findings for mitigating the risk of delayed diagnosis of lung cancer.